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Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Gross annual salary
gender_icon Head of Customer Support Management Greater Manchester (Ashton under Lyne, Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Sale, Wigan) n/a 45-54 101,292 GBP
gender_icon Department Manager Management Berkshire (Bracknell, Hungerford, Newbury, Reading, Slough) large company (250 or more employees) 35-44 72,000 GBP
gender_icon Refrigeration Mechanic Construction & Real Estate Northumberland (Ashington, Blyth, Cramlington, Hexham) large company (250 or more employees) 25-34 68,544 GBP
gender_icon Financial Analyst Banking Central London large company (250 or more employees) 25-34 30,240 GBP
gender_icon Tax Advisor Economy, Finance, Accountancy North London medium company (51 - 249 employees) 25-34 24,996 GBP
gender_icon Account Manager Commerce Central London n/a 25-34 60,156 GBP
gender_icon Contract administrator Administration Hampshire (Aldershot, Alton, Andover, Basingstoke, Fareham, Petersfield, Portsmouth, Ringwood, Southampton, Winchester) large company (250 or more employees) 45-54 41,976 GBP
gender_icon Technical Manager Technology, Development Bedfordshire (Bedford, Luton, Biggleswade) large company (250 or more employees) 35-44 59,196 GBP
gender_icon Plant manager Top Management Tyne & Wear (Gateshead, Newcastle Upon Tyne, South Shields, Sunderland, Washington) n/a 35-44 55,164 GBP
gender_icon IT Director Top Management Hampshire (Aldershot, Alton, Andover, Basingstoke, Fareham, Petersfield, Portsmouth, Ringwood, Southampton, Winchester) large company (250 or more employees) 45-54 125,004 GBP